PRESS RELEASE: Trump/DeSantis Defeats Biden/Harris In New Poll

CONTACT: Joshua Delano

May 3, 2023

(832) 910-7307‬

New Nationwide Rasmussen Poll Shows Trump/DeSantis
Defeating Biden/Harris by 8 Points in 2024 Presidential
Election and Winning the Popular Vote 51-43%

Head-to-head Trump Defeats Biden
by a 7% Margin in 2024 Presidential Election


A new poll just released by Political Media-Rasmussen has revealed that among likely voters former President Donald Trump would defeat President Joe Biden by a full seven percent margin, 48% to 41%, if the presidential election were held today. With Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on the ticket, the poll indicated, Trump would increase his margin of victory over a Biden-Harris ticket to 51% to 43%, winning the popular vote.

Trump/DeSantis would be the first Republican presidential ticket to win the popular vote in almost 20 years.

The poll also found that on key major issues currently facing the nation, the majority of likely voters would trust a Trump-DeSantis ticket over the Biden-Harris administration by a clear-cut majority. On the key issues of illegal immigration, government corruption, and national security, those polled preferred Trump-DeSantis by well over fifty percent.

According to the poll, a full 59% of older Americans between the ages of 40 and 64 would vote for Trump, while 57% of younger Americans between the ages of 18 and 39 would favor Biden. Among men, Trump would defeat Biden 50% to 38%, and among women, Trump would carry 46% of the vote to Biden’s 44%. Trump’s percentage of the vote against Biden increased among men, women, young, old, and all ethnic groups with DeSantis on the ticket.

The Political Media-Rasmussen poll of voters found that 53% of Americans now have an unfavorable view of President Joe Biden, with 47% responding "very unfavorable," and 6% responding "somewhat unfavorable." Among younger voters, 66%  between the ages of 18 and 39 viewed Biden as somewhat to very favorable, while an equal percentage of voters between 40 and 64 viewed the current president unfavorably.

Among all likely voters, both Trump and DeSantis had a majority of favorable responses, with 59% responding somewhat or very favorably for Trump and 60% approving of  DeSantis. Trump’s highest approval rating came among Hispanic voters with a full 73% finding his performance somewhat or very favorable.

On key issues across the board, the Political Media-Rasmussen poll found that a clear majority of likely voters said they would trust a Trump-DeSantis ticket over the Biden-Harris administration when asked the following questions:

  • Who do you trust more to handle the issue of illegal immigration? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris or Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis?

Trump-DeSantis – 54%
Biden-Harris – 41%

  • Who do you trust more to handle the issue of government corruption? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris or Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis?

Trump-DeSantis – 51%
Biden-Harris – 43%

  • Who do you trust more to handle the issue of national security? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris or Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis?

Trump-DeSantis – 52%
Biden-Harris – 42%

“This poll should send up alarm signals throughout the Biden administration and the Democratic National Committee,” said Larry Ward, President of Political Media, Inc. and Founder and Chairman of the Constitutional Rights PAC. “Trump significantly outpolls Biden head-to-head, and when DeSantis is added to the ticket, the 51-43 spread is beyond the margin of error.”

Ward added, “The fact that voters prefer Trump/DeSantis on key major issues facing the nation is a clear indication that the Republicans could have a prohibitively winning hand by putting the former president and the governor on the same ticket. Rarely in political history has a party had such an iron-lock opportunity.”

The organizers behind the We Want Don Ron movement have created a petition to put the nation's two most formidable, competent, and strong conservative leaders, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, together on one powerful 2024 ticket.

The Political Media-Rasmussen poll was conducted between April 27 and May 2 of 1,050 national likely voters. The poll has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.


Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis by shealah_craighead is licensed under Flickr Creative Commons

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