Loser Nikki Haley Suspends Campaign - Vows to Support Losing Ukraine Policy- Refuses to Endorse Trump

Nikki Haley dropped out of the presidential race on Wednesday after an absolute blowout on Super Tuesday.

Haley was able to squeak out a win in open-primary state Vermont but that was it.
President Trump dominated in 14 of the 15 state elections.

Trump handily won: Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, Colorado, Minnesota, Texas, California, Utah, Alaska.

In her speech on Wednesday Haley said she will continue to promote the war in Ukraine. She also refused to endorse President Trump and she demanded that Trump court her voters – the Democrats.

President Trump is already winning over at least 10% of Biden voters.

Here is a transcript of Haley’s speech:

Nikki Haley by Gage Skidmore is licensed under flickr Gage Skidmore

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