Leader Of The Free World Apologizes To Zelensky While Handing Him Another Check

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  • Source: ZeroHedge
  • 06/07/2024

While handing over to Kiev the latest $225 million check defense aid package, the "leader of the free world" has apologized to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Biden during the bilateral meeting in Normandy, where world leaders are attending events for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, told Zelensky he is sorry for the delayed passage of the new military aid package earlier this year (at $61 billion total for Ukraine out the $95 billion passed) and disparaged the Republican opposition that held it up.

"You know, you haven't bowed down, you haven't yielded at all, you continue to fight in a way that is just remarkable, is just remarkable—and we’re not going to walk away from you," Biden told the Ukrainian leader. That's when he followed with:

"I apologize for the weeks of not knowing what’s going to pass, in terms of funding, because we had trouble getting the bill that we had to pass that had the money from some of our very conservative members who were holding it up, but we got it done."

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