Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis bans ESG ‘agenda’ from state pension investments

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  • Source: NY Post
  • 08/24/2022
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned the state’s pension funds from considering so-called environmental, social and governance standards — known as “ESG” — when making investments for retirees.

DeSantis, who has frequently blasted businesses for engaging in “woke” politics, is chairman of Florida’s three-member State Board of Administration and had personally backed a resolution imposing the ban that was passed on Tuesday.

The resolution directs fund managers to instead invest state resources in a way that “prioritizes the highest return on investment” without considering what DeSantis described as the “ideological agenda” of ESG guidelines.
Ron DeSantis by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0

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