Durham Exonerates Trump of Russia Collusion Hoax, Seven Years Later

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 05/19/2023

Special Counsel John Durham’s final report — while it did not recommend any new charges — exonerated former President Donald Trump of any Russian collusion and vindicated his claims of being targeted by a politicized federal law enforcement agency.

“It’s a great vindication and it feels good, and the report has been wildly praised, I wish it would have come faster, but the detail that he went into — 308 pages — the detail is extraordinary, and all of these people, I guess you could call it treason, you could call it a lot of different things, but this should never be allowed to happen in our country,” Trump said in a recent interview with Newsmax.

Durham’s report confirmed that the FBI launched a politically motivated witch hunt against Trump, using the flimsiest of pretexts to “swiftly” launch an investigation into him while ignoring intelligence that Clinton’s campaign planned to accuse Trump of colluding with Russia to distract from her private server woes.

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