54% of Americans Think Biden is Mass Importing Voters to Create Permanent Democrat Majority.

A majority of likely voters believe the Joe Biden regime is “encouraging” illegal aliens to enter the United States en masse to “create a permanent majority” for the Democrats, according to new data from Rasmussen Reports.

Forty-three percent of likely voters “strongly agree” that the illegal immigration crisis is being facilitated for political advantage, while 14 percent “somewhat agree” — versus 29 percent who strongly disagree and just eight percent who somewhat disagree.

Hispanic voters, despite having leaned Democrat in every general and midterm election since 1980, are actually more likely to believe Biden is exploiting illegal immigration than any other ethnic group. Forty-eight percent strongly agree this is what the Democrat leader is doing, and 20 percent somewhat agree for a combined 68 percent. This compares to 17 percent who strongly disagree and seven percent who somewhat disagree.
Honduran refugee caravan by boitchy is licensed under flickr boitchy

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